发布时间: 2020-03-13 整理编辑:重庆成人高考网浏览量()
IL Reading Comprehension (50 Points)
In this section there are 5 passages, and each passage is fllowel by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.
Questins 66 to 70 are based on the fllowin passage:
When Tom finished his sudies at the university he began to look around for a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had worked for the govemment for thity years and he advised Tom to try to get a job of the same kind, so he went for an examination one day. He was successful, and his first job was in a large govemment ofie in London.
When Tom had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening. He was pleased thathis nephew had managed t get a job working for the govemment, and he asked him a lot of questions about it.
One of the questions he asked was, "How many people work in your department Tom?"
The young manthought for a few moments and then answered. "About half of them, Uncle Jim."
66. When he graduated from the university, Tom was not____
A. very good at science
B. looking for a good-paying job with excellent hours
C. inerested in getting any inormation from the govemment
D. good at making decisins
67. What did Tom think of his uncle's advice?
A. He thought it was acceptable.
B. He did not like it
C. He refused t take it
D. He was unable to fllw it.
68. Which of the fllowing is true?
A. The exam fired him.
B. The exam made him a successful man.
C. He didn't want D take partin the exam.
0. The result was bad.
69. The uncle was eager to find out
A. how the nephew was getting along with his jobo
B. whathis nephew was doing
C. whether his nephew misunderstood him
D. what his nephew had misunderstood him
70. Tom's answer to his uncle actully means that.
A. the people working in the government offce were divided into two groups and they worked in um
B. many of the govemment workers were not working hard
C. the goverment ffice had more hands than needed
D. about half of the candidates(投考人)had been taken in by the department
Questions 71 to 75 are based on the flloingn passage:
The room was dark and sil. Only one boy was stil awake. He saton the edge of his bed at a far comer of he room. Slowly and carefuly, he made small hales across a piece of paper with a sharp styus(铁笔). Every two or hree minutes he stopped and ran his fingers across the faised dots on the opposite(
反) side of he paper. A whisper came from the next bed, “Louis, are you stil making dots? You'd better stop and get somerest.
The teacher will be angry if you tall asleep in dlass"
The reply cameslowly. “ I know. I'm almost finished now. Goback to sieep,Gauthier."
Louis Braille, inventbr of the Brille reading system (百文) for the blind, put his paper and stylus on a table behind his bed. He stood up and walked across the room to an open window. He hardly noticed the cool Apil wind brushing his face. He knew his system would wark despite(不管) what others thought.
71. This text is mainly about
A.a blind boy's life
B. two boys’talk at might
C. how hard Braile studied in his youth
D. how the Bralle method was invented.
72. Why did Braille stop making dots and run his fingers across the paper from time to time?
A. To leam to read.
B. To check his work.
C. Because he was tired.
D. Because it was too dark to see.
73. The main reason the other boy asked Braille t stop was
A. the teacher would be angry if he knew Braille did not sleep
B. he could not go to sleep with Brille working
C. other boys in the room would be waken up by the noise he made
D. he thought Braille needed some sleep
74. From the text we know
A. Braille was an orphan living at a school
B. Bralle was studying at school for blind children
C. people did not believe Brille would succeed in his work
D. the teacher did not think Bralle was a good student
75. The stary tlls us Louis and Gauthier were
A. orphans living and studying in the same schoal
B. friends working together on the Braille system
C. classmates
D. brother
Questions 76 to 80 are based on the fllowing passage:
This is Newson the Hour, Ed Wilson reporfting.
The President and First Lady will visit Afnica on a goodwill tour in May. They plan to visieight Arican counties.
Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the US and Western Europe. A group of Chinese scientists starts its ten-nation tour next-month.
Here in Miami, the mayor is stll meeting with the leaders of the teachers" unior to try to find a wayto end the strike. City schools are sill closed afler two weeks.
In news about health, scientists in Califomia eport findings of a rlationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart disease among women.
According to the report in the American Medical Joumal (=magazine), the fve-year study shows this: Womenwho drink more than two cups of offee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not.
In sports the Chargers lost again last night The BBS beat them 1 to nothing.
The Wingers had better results.
They beat the Riles 7to 3. It wastheir first win in their last five matches.
That' s the Newson the Hour. Andnowback D more easy listening with Jan Singer.
76. Who gave the News on the Hour?
A. The President and First Lady
B. Ed Wison
C. Scientists in Califomia
C. Jan Singer
77. A group of top Chinese scientists will
A. visit the U. S. and Westem Europe to improve the ties between China and them
B. come closer to the U. S. and Westem Europe
C. close the door of China to the U.S. and Western Europe
D. improve the ties between the U.s. and Western Europe
78. From the news in Miami we know
A. the mayor has agreed with the teachers' union
B. the teachers' strike will last long
C. students haven't been to school for two weeks
D. the mayor was tying to end the schools
79. The news about health ells us that.
A. no heart disease will be found if people dont drink coffee
B. no one should drink more than two cups of coffe a day
C. the more cffee people drink, the more chance they wll get to have heat disease
D. women' s heart disease has something to do with their drinking of coffee
80. From the last news we do not know
A. the resuls of the two matches
B. the number of the teams which played last night
C. how many wins the BBS has had aliogether
D. the Wingers has had one win and four defeats recenly
本文标签:重庆成考 历年真题 2020年重庆2020年重庆成人高考专升本英语科目模拟试题及答案
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